Archive for month: September, 2013


ABCs of E-Commerce Search

Time and again, industry reports have proven that eCommerce site search, navigation, and merchandising are make or break technology for your eCommerce revenue and operations. Survey data shows the potentially strong downside of poor site search:

  • 85% of site searches don’t return what the user sought
  • 22% of searches return no results
  • 80% of visitors will abandon if the search is poor

Poor site search leads to lost visitors, poor conversion rates and lower e-commerce revenue.

On the other hand, an investment in “Best In Class” e-commerce and merchandising is easy to justify.

  • For a smaller retailer with 10,000 visitors per day and an average order size of $50, a conversion rate increase from 4% to 6% can mean an increase in annual revenue of $3.6 million.
  • For a large retailer with 100,000 visitors a day and average purchase price of $120, a conversion rate increase from 4% to 6% can mean an increase of $87 million a year.

This white paper is a guide to the essential e-commerce site search features necessary for you to double or even triple your conversion rates from search.  Other companies are achieving these results. You can too!

Ready to see how EasyAsk's eCommerce solution can help you? Request a demo!
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