Archive for month: May, 2018


5 Ways to Optimize Your Searchbox

Q: A Search box is a search box . . . right?   How much difference can it make?

A: All the difference.

This might just be the single most important component in a successful eCommerce strategy and the key to driving significantly more revenue.

It is essential to get the usability of the search box within eCommerce sites right. Up to 30% of visitors will use the site search tool and these will be highly motivated shoppers who know exactly what they’re looking for. Shoppers who use the search box will buy more:

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No Point in Personalizing Bad Results

Personalization is a valuable and effective part of the shopping experience.  But personalization must always be just that – a part of the shopping experience, not the shopping experience.  There are occasions when a shopper asks for certain products and the search results are affected by personalization.  Being able to find relevant products through good search is imperative to higher conversion rates.

Don’t get me wrong, personalization is great

The scope and advantages of personalization for eCommerce are ever-growing.  Personalization systems tailor the information a customer sees on the screen based on something known about them.  For example, if a shopper in Atlanta searches for jackets in the spring, a personalization system might use the knowledge of location and time of year to display lighter-weight jackets than it would to another shopper living in Boston during the winter.  Or maybe a shopper has been browsing the women’s department of a site, then searches for a shirt.  The personalization system might choose to show women’s shirts to the shopper first.

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Back to the Future: Voice Search

We’ve seen the ‘Back to the Future’ pattern in the history of mobile phones. They began very large, were gradually made as small as technology would allow, and now we need bigger pockets.

And, Great Scott! we can see a similar pattern in voice search as a result of the evolving use of smart-home devices. Read More


The Way Shoppers Search Can Give You Migraines

Have you ever thought about how many different ways people might search for the same thing? If you’re an eCommerce professional you probably have. There is a direct correlation between how efficiently the shopper finds the product to how quickly they’ll make a purchase. So, how accurate your search results are, is what really matters.

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