Archive for category: Blog


Gartner: The Case for Mobile Voice Search

How to Drive Revenue Through the Roof

The first premise in this discussion is the enormous number of shoppers that start on their Smartphones, then abandon the search and finish later on their desktop. This is the ‘norm’ for mobile shoppers. This begs the question, ‘WHY?’ Why did they fail to purchase the first time?

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Natural Language Search – Encouraging the use of more descriptive search

How a Natural Language Search Engine sets you apart

The ultimate goal of any online retailer is to increase sales. What sets you apart from other retailers are the enhancements you continually do to your site to improve the customer experience. Providing an experience that is pleasurable for your shopper will increase the likelihood that they will make purchases on your site and return for more products in the future. As a retailer, you need to take advantage of emerging technologies to help drive site improvements to keep your site fresh and your shoppers interested.

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Humanizing Your Website Gives Shoppers that Warm and Fuzzy Feeling

It is estimated that online shopping revenues will increase to more than $523 billion dollars by 2020 – an increase of 56% since 2015. This soaring number has many contributing factors; including ubiquitous internet access, the drop in age of shoppers, the availability of products, and the improved quality of shopping websites and apps.

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Voice Search Energizes your Marketing Campaigns

Here at EasyAsk, we have been predicting the breakout success of Voice Search for eCommerce for years. Whether your customers are using voice with their mobile phone or with an Alexa or Siri enabled device, voice search is finally taking its place as a key technology for 2018 and beyond.

Check out this great article by Jayson DeMers of Forbes that elucidates this growing trend. In fact, he uses a quote we often site from ComScore “50% of all searches will be voice searches by 2020.”

EasyAsk is your trusted advisor to get you ready for the 2018. When it comes to search, EasyAsk is going to drive more revenue. We guarantee it.


eCommerce Industry News You Can Use

Every year, eCommerce pundits share their predictions for the coming year.  As a whole, eCommerce sales continue to show remarkable growth, particularly exciting is the explosion of sales on mobile devices.

Here are some articles that are “must reads” to ensure that your website is maximized to take advantage of all 2018 has to offer:

E-Commerce in 2018: Here’s What The Experts Are Predicting (Forbes)

From $0 To $1 Million: How To Scale Your E-Commerce Site (Forbes)

How to Humanize e-Commerce (Forbes)

E-commerce market may cross $50 billion mark in 2018 (The Hindu Business Line)

The Rise of Voice Search: A How-To Guide (Business2Community)

EasyAsk is your trusted advisor to get you ready for the 2018. When it comes to search, EasyAsk is going to drive more revenue. We guarantee it.


What does Relevant Site Search Really Mean?

eCommerce Retailers need to be strategic when delivering products that match their customer’s search criteria, if they want to make the sale. Customers are savvy, if they search for a product and it does not appear on the first page of results, they are likely to abandon your site and move on to another. That’s lost revenue. Read More


Retailers are Marketing to more than Five Generations, is your Site-Search Flexible enough to help them all?

The world we know continues to change, and we as a people, are forced to change with it. Sometimes it’s in small ways, like swapping Bell Bottoms for White-Washed jeans, then swapping those for Skinny Jeans. Sometimes it’s in larger ways, like going from hailing a cab on the sidewalk, to ordering an Uber from your bedroom/office/etc. with a touch of a button. Some of us prefer the former, while others have adapted, or were even raised with the latter. It is those inbred traits from our particular generation that make us who we are. The beauty of today’s age is that our technology can handle whichever you prefer.  Can your site-search say the same?
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CEO Blog: Cognitive Computing, Natural Language & AI: Game Changers

Most analysts agree that the next big thing in IT involves Natural Language Processing (NLP), semantic search. It’s a big thing because it will allow non-subject matter experts obtain answers to questions using only natural language to pose their queries.

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CEO Blog: Putting the ‘Cognitive’ in Cognitive Computing: NLQ

‘Cognitive’ is everywhere these days. IBM Watson is pushing the concepts of Cognitive Computing from cancer research to cooking recipes. VPAs (virtual personal assistants) are gaining acceptance and adoption. Just look at the explosion behind Amazon’s Alexa. Every technology show I attend has a few vendors now showing their Alexa interface and sometimes it even works. We’re all talking at boxes and we expect those boxes to understand. iPhones, Androids, PlayStations, TV remotes, HeySiri, OKGoogle, etc.

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Digital Commerce Personalization, Customer Loyalty and the ABC’s of Customer Retention

By 2020, smart personalization engines used to recognize customer intent will enable digital businesses to increase their profits by up to 15% – Gartner Magic Quadrant for Digital Commerce

The concept of personalization is being thrown around in digital commerce circles a lot these days. It seems that every digital commerce site considers it essential in their go-forward strategy when considering ways to increase revenue from online shoppers. Additionally, if done well, the theory goes, personalization drives loyalty and loyalty drives return business. Read More

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