Today’s post is an infographic courtesy of ShopPad, a website dedicated to showing you just how influential the Tablet is to eCommerce.
This infographic has some stats and facts on tablet shopping over the holiday season.
Tablet Shoppers shopped in the evening and on weekends. Tablet Shoppers took advantage of Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Tablet Shoppers had a conversion rate of 3.7% and spent an average of over 13 minutes on a site. 189 iPads were sold EVERY MINUTE of Q4 of 2012. Tablet Shoppers are proving to be more valuable to eCommerce companies than Mobile Shoppers and maybe even more than Desktop Shoppers.
Basically, Tablets are here to stay, and people are shopping on them, converting on them, and affecting your eCommerce numbers on them. If you are not utilizing, or at least recognizing their capabilities, than you are falling short of your potential.
Just another helpful tip from your friendly, neighborhood EasyAsk.