
How Videos on Your Site Help Increase Conversion Rates

Today we are presenting an infographic from Invodo on Video Statistics.



Consumers watch a product video 60 percent of the time.  Also, 60 percent of consumers say they will watch at least 2 minutes of a video.  Over half say that watching a product video gives them more confidence in purchasing.  Since we are all headed towards mobile, it’s good to know that people on mobile devices are 3 times as likely to watch a video as compared to those on a desktop or laptop.  Here’s the big one, shoppers who view a product video are 174 percent more likely to purchase products.  Almost 40 percent of consumers say a video increases their likelihood of purchasing via mobile device.  And finally, 76 percent of marketers plan to add video to their eCommerce Sites.

This infographic clearly shows how much adding videos to your eCommerce Site can help increase conversion rates.  But videos cannot do it alone, you need a great eCommerce Site Search, Navigation and Merchandising software, especially one that understands your customer’s intent, whether it be to see a video or view a product. We at EasyAsk can help.  Come see how.  Visit our website, or give us a call at 781-402-5641.


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